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WebApp — GUI

The current version of Net iD Client is missing native versions of any dialog on all platforms. Instead the Client WebApp is used to show any GUI.

An implementation is available on all platforms. The basic feature is to show a web browser windows without anything except the web-view presentation. The web-view will be based on the WebKit available for each platform. Beside the presentation, the WebApp will also include a bridge between JavaScript and the native platform to be able to communicate with the plugin from JavaScript.

$ netidapp.exe -url http://www.islite.com
$ netidapp -url http://www.islite.com
$ /Applications/Net\ iD.app/Contents/MacOS/WebApp -url http://www.islite.com

The bridge between JavaScript and native is always active. Use our plugin JavaScript files to build your own WebApp based on our WebApp and HTML/JS/CSS:


Old — not recommened for new applications.


New — recommened for new applications.


Windows, Linux, and macOS

-url <url|show|hide|stop>

The address of the web page.


This argument requires that there is a specified hidden dialog box to show. This argument is only available on Windows.


This argument requires that there is a specified dialog box to hide. This argument is only available on Windows.


This argument requires that there is a specified dialog box to stop. This argument is only available on Windows.

-title <title>

The title of the dialog box.

-size 0xXXXXYYYY

The size of the dialog box. XXXX for width, YYYY for height. If both values are 100 or less the values are treated as percentage of the screen width and height.


User can change the size of the dialog box.

-useragent <text>

The useragent text is the string that is presented as the user-agent in the web browser javascript environment.

Windows and Linux


Position the dialog box in the middle of the screen.

-position 0xXXXXYYYY

The position of the dialog box. The coordinate system starts in the upper left corner of the screen. So XXXX is distance from left to right, and YYYY is distance from top to bottom. 0x7FFF is the maximum value, since 0x8000 will be the bottom right corner.


Set dialog box to show in full screen.


Position dialog box over all non system dialog boxes.


-icon auto/dark/light

Black or white iD-logo.


Start without showing the dialog. It is also possible to show and hide the dialog box without the need of a restart.


User cannot close the dialog box.


Remove the dialog box frame. We recommend to use noframe with option -fullscreen.


Remove title row.


Make title and dialog frames like tool window instead of a dialog window.

-transparent 0xRRGGBB

The RGB color code to translate to transparent. This option requires -noframe to be specified.

-unique <name>

Unique name. Starting with the same name again will deactivate the first.


-wait NN

Time to wait until dialog is shown (WebKit is a bit difficult). NN is the number of milliseconds. Default is 3.


The examples below shows how to start a hidden dialog box, show the dialog box, hide it again, and then stop it.

Example 1. Open a hidden dialog box.

Open a dialog box with a specified name and URL and make it hidden.

$ netidapp.exe -unique MegaCoolDialog -url http://www.islite.com -hidden
Example 2. Show the hidden dialog box.

Show a specified and hidden dialog box.

$ netidapp.exe -unique MegaCoolDialog -url show
Example 3. Hide a dialog box.

Hide a specified dialog box.

$ netidapp.exe -unique MegaCoolDialog -url hide
Example 4. Stop a dialog box.

Stop a specified dialog box.

$ netidapp.exe -unique MegaCoolDialog -url stop