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Available actions


The application action is used to start an external application.

01=<name> application "<application path>" <application arguments>

parallel application

Add parallel to the application action to allow multiple application actions at the same time. It will not wait for the first action to finish.

01=<name> parallel application "<application path>" <application arguments>


Example 1. application
01=About application "%ProgramFiles%\NetiD\Client\netid.exe" -dialog about
Example 2. parallel application
01=About parallel application "%ProgramFiles%\NetiD\Client\netid.exe" -dialog about


The close action sends a close message to the specified window. If the window is not closed within 3 seconds, we try to terminate the process using kill.

01=<name> close <window name>
Example 3. close
01=Close close {string:1003} - {product-name}


The kill action is used to terminate a process.

01=<name> kill <process id> (1)
01=<name> kill <path> (2)
1 Terminate a single process specified with process ID.
2 Terminate all processes that uses a specified application path.

The command always terminates a process by using process ID. So there will be a search for processes that uses a specific application path and then terminate when the path is the same.

To avoid infinite loops, the search for new processes to terminate is stopped if it is unable to terminate a process because of for example insufficient privlieges.

The kill action is the internal way to terminate a process. Usually, each platform has its own way to terminate processes, such as taskkill for Windows. So another way to kill processes is to use the application action with the platform command.

Example 4. kill
01=Kill kill %ProgramFiles%\NetiD\Client\netidapp.exe


The lock action locks the current desktop session. Can be specified with the option active to only lock when logged on using our internal credentials, for example a certificate.

01=<name> lock
01=<name> lock -active
Example 5. lock
01=Lock lock -active


The open action is almost the same as the script action. The only difference is that the process is started visible, so the end-user can see the result.

01=<name> open <script path>
Example 6. open
01=Refresh open %ProgramFiles%\NetiD\refresh.bat


The script action is used to run any script without arguments, and will use the platform’s open action to start a new process. The result is almost the same as double-click on a file in the file explorer on respective platform. This makes sure that only scripts allowed by the platform are executed. The process is started silently, and thus invisible for the end-user.

01=<name> script <script path>
Example 7. script
01=Refresh script %ProgramFiles%\NetiD\refresh.bat


The self action calls the internal command line actions.

01=<name> self <command>
Example 8. self
01=About self -dialog about


The self-force action calls the internal command line actions, but without internal access control. See NameAllow and NameDeny.

01=<name> self-force <command>
Example 9. self-force
01=ClearCache self-force -cache clear


The sleep command pauses the current process for a specified time.

01=<name> sleep <milli-seconds>
Example 10. sleep
01=Sleep sleep 3000